Open Chrome Programmatically macOS

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Can be useful if you want to automate some simple workflows, I use it for instance as part of building a docker image and then opening the homepage of my app.

Open in incognito mode



[[ -x $BROWSER ]] && exec "$BROWSER" "$URL"
path=$(which xdg-open || which gnome-open) && exec "$path" "$URL"
if open -Ra "Google Chrome" --args --incognito "$URL"; then
  echo "opening webpage now"
  open -na "Google Chrome" --args --incognito "$URL"
  echo "no system browser installed"

Open in regular mode



[[ -x $BROWSER ]] && exec "$BROWSER" "$URL"
path=$(which xdg-open || which gnome-open) && exec "$path" "$URL"
if open -Ra "Google Chrome" --args "$URL"; then
  echo "opening webpage now"
  open -na "Google Chrome" --args "$URL"
  echo "no system browser installed"

Explain shell

exec: execute commands and open, close, or copy file descriptors
xdg: opens a file or URL in the user's preferred application
gnome-open: open files and URLs using the GNOME file handlers
open: check 'man open' in your terminal